So we need your help with our latest project,
Electric Projected . As some of you may already know the original massive outdoor projection event was scheduled for August 6th 2011. Unfortunately we got blindsided by a freak storm and we had to cancel the event. Since we were already set up and ready to go, we still had to pay for all the rented equiptment and we lost all the money we raised. (over $20,000)
However, instead of getting discouraged and giving up we have decided to try again, and the REBOOT event is scheduled for October 1st.
Here is where we need your help:
In oder to finace the minimum equipment rental and street permits we need for the Reboot we need to raise $16,500. We are using
Kickstarter to rasie the money we need and as of Sept 16th we have raised $7,261. So we still need to raise $9,000 to make this event happen.
I know many of you do not live in Beacon, and may not be able to make it to the event on the 1st. However, I like to think of it this way, since I am sending you this message, I obviously think you are interested in what we do and you know that we work very hard to create and organize fun and interesting art based events for Beacon and beyond. Our events are typically free and the really fun ones are outdoors. We rarely ask for much and are content knowing that when we send out emails most of you read them, and very few of you ask to be removed from the mailing list.
So we are hoping that if you have been following our projects for the past 4 years you know we always put our all into the projects we do and Electric Projected is no exception. For this project we asked 24 world class animators to re-imagine each of the pieces on the Electric Windows building. The finsihed pieces are designed to be projected on the entire front of the EW building. Take a look at the line up projector test below. the EW building is 160' wide x 70' tall and the projections fill the whole thing.....
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR KICKSTARTER CAMPAIGN *THE LAST DAY TO DONATE IS SEPTEMBER 24th ** payments will not be processed until our funding goal is met.
Please, give what you can, every little bit helps. $5, $10, $100
Please forward this email onto anyone you think would like this project or would be interested in supporting something awesome.
thanks in advance for your help
Animated Short Films and Live Music
Saturday, October 1st,
6:00 pm to 12:00 am
1 East Main Main Street,
Beacon, New York 12508
more info: